Four In Ten British Drivers Not Afraid Of Driving In Snow

Driving in snow and ice requires a lot more thought and consideration, including making sure the windscreen is properly clear, to remain safe on the road.

The Unusual History Of Heated Windscreens

Given that frozen windscreens are one of the greatest sources of damage to car glass, an early innovative heating system took time for drivers to warm up to.

Cut Glass Waste By Picking Windscreen Repaired Not Replaced

People are becoming more aware of the global waste crisis, which is why many want to cut the amount of glass rubbish they produce when replacing windscreens.

What Are The Wrong Ways To Clear Ice Off Your Windscreen?

Don’t make cold days harder by needing to get the windscreen replaced just because you failed to de-ice your car the right way and caused cracks in the glass.

Get Your Windscreen Ready For An Epic 2024 Road Trip

If your plans for 2024 include a great road trip somewhere in the UK, you will need to make sure your car is maintained, including glass chip repair work.

Why You Just Cannot Ignore A Windscreen Crack In Winter

You might not want to spend money on windscreen replacement services after all the expense of Christmas, but a cracked screen will make this necessary.

Is Driving With A Frozen Windscreen Illegal?

As the temperatures drop to below freezing, iced windscreens are a common cause of damage and callouts being made for replacements. But what does the law say?

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Damage To A Windscreen?

Winter is when there are a lot more hazardous driving conditions, and some of these can lead to the need for a professional windscreen replacement before long.

Guarding Your Windscreen: Preventing Common Causes of Damage

Learn how to protect your windscreen from common damage factors. Safeguard your vehicle to ensure a clear, safe driving experience with expert pieces of advice.

Opting For Sustainability: Windscreen Repair Vs Replacement

Discover the eco-friendly side of windscreen maintenance. Why opting for repair over replacement is a sustainable choice for your vehicle and the environment.
