Driving in snow requires a lot more thought and consideration to stay safe, from making sure the windscreen is properly clear to being more cautious on the road to avoid slipping.
However, this does not stop 39 per cent of motorists driving when it is snowing, and one per cent say they do not even adjust their driving style due to weather conditions.
RAC Breakdown spokesperson Rod Dennis said driving when it is snowing or icy outside can “carry huge risks”, adding: “It’s vitally important drivers follow guidance from the Met Office and others accordingly whenever there is a warning for severe weather issued.”
He advised drivers who plan to drive in snow or ice to check their cars beforehand to make sure the tyres have plenty of tread. It was also advised to drive more slowly as the car’s braking distance can increase by ten times when the road has snow or ice on it.
Met Office spokesperson Stephen Dixon also suggested checking travel plans and ensuring the vehicle is in good condition to minimise disruption and keep everyone as safe as possible.
Some drivers choose to play it safe when the mercury drops, with 11 per cent saying they choose not to drive if there is any snow on the roads.
What’s more, 75 per cent claim they are more cautious when driving in these conditions.
Although winter is on its way out, the UK could experience inclement weather until the end of March.
The Met Office forecasts night frosts, heavy rainfall, and even sleet or snow until the beginning of next month.
Therefore, it is important to stay vigilant with checking the car and driving on the road during unsettled weather until spring is well and truly here.